- Event "Weltkindertag 1998 in Köln"/WDR
"Elles"/TiMe Filmverleih - Canal + International
"The Nephew"/Irish Dream Time - World 2000 Entertainment
- TiMe Filmverleih - CLT UFA International
"Love is the Devil"/TiMe Filmverleih - BFI Films
"Requiem For a Romantic Woman"/Knöpfel Film Production
- TiMe Filmverleih - Media Luna
"LA Without A Map"/Marianna Films - TiMe Filmverleih -
CLT UFA International
"Better Than Chocolate"/Rave Inc. - TiMe Filmverleih -
Alliance Atlantis
"Russlands Wunderkinder"/Lichtfilm,
Real Fiction Verleih -Jane Balfour Films
"Thomas Pynchon - A Journey into the mind of p."/Dubini
Film - Real Fiction Verleih - Media Luna
"Tosca"/Integral Film - Euripide Productions
- France Television
"Secret Society"/movienet Film - ena Film - Clt-Ufa
"Moro No Brasil"/movienet Film - Magnatel - Lichtblick
"The Journey to Kafiristan"/Dubini Film - TiMe Filmverleih
- Media Luna